At Jag’s, we are thrilled to be celebrating our 24th year in business, and with that – reflecting on what our success has meant to us, our customers and our community at large. As a locally owned and operated company, we know the importance of supporting other local businesses, and also the responsibility and privilege of supporting our local community as well. Our success doesn’t translate to our bottom dollar; rather, it involves our customer’s satisfaction and the outreaching hand we can offer our neighbours and those in need. Although “shop local” and “community involvement” are catch phrases often found in the business world, we feel strongly about their truth …and here’s why: A Shared Sense of Belonging We believe community involvement comes full-circle. That when you are offering sincere help beyond your business doors, you are inviting people into an environment they know they can trust. Within that environment, customers fuel their own purchasing power, making buying decisions that are right for them and their family, and investing in a lifestyle that reflects their personal style, all while paying homage to a company who gives back to the immediate world they live in. Real Relationships Still Matter Having been in business for 24 years, Jag’s has been around far longer than social media has. As such, we have seen the changing dynamics of relationships, and still desire to foster real-time, in-person connections within our community and customers. Which is why we make an effort to extend a hand and stay connected in “old-school” ways that make a real life impact. Identifying With People From All Walks of Life We also recognize that fostering relationships with people from all walks of life helps us to run our business better. People choose to buy furniture for different reasons. Whether starting a new life, bringing new life into this world and expanding a home, or slowing life down to a more comfortable setting – every individual has unique needs as individual as they are. Which is why we feel our community involvement helps better understand human needs, us as much as we hope to help others. Helping to Create a Healthy Environment Lastly, at Jag’s we believe that ensuring our community is a healthy environment requires everyone’s help. Every little bit counts, and over the course of 24 years, we are hopeful that our little bit has had lasting affects. So from the bottom of our hearts, Jag’s thanks you for allowing us to be a part of your community all these years, and for giving us the opportunity to help with purchases we hope have enhanced your life. As such, we are thrilled to offer EVERYONE an ADDITIONAL 24% off during our 24th Anniversary Sales Event, going on NOW in our Abbotsford and Langley locations. We are ready to serve you, and it is a pleasure to do so!